Dental Assisting
The areas only accredited Dental Assisting Program is here at EGCC. The one-year certificate program, accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, allows the student to complete the program within nine to twelve months. Students learn through lab experiences, in-seat and online training and gain hands-on learning and real-life experience through externships in dental offices.
Class size is kept to a maximum of eighteen students for theory and six to eight students for lab, ensuring students receive individualized attention. Students learn dental assisting procedures, such as dental materials, X-rays, coronal polishing, dental sealants, sterilization procedures, dental practice administration, and chairside assisting.
Classroom and online sessions are complemented by planned practical experience in the college laboratory, onsite dental clinic, and offsite dental offices. Upon successful completion of the one-year certificate program, the student will be eligible to sit for the Dental Assisting National Board Certification Examination and the Ohio Dental Assistants Examination to become a certified dental assistant.
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