Writing Circle

Join the EGCC Writing Circle for a fun night of writing! The Writing Circle is an online creative writing club open to students of all majors. Using 10-minute writing "sprints," we respond to prompts and share our work with the group. If you can't attend the Zoom, that's okay! We send the writing prompts out […]

T3 Virtual Event: Salem University

Online Campus

Meet with Salem University to discuss transfer. Link to event: https://salemu-edu.zoom.us/j/82360145269?pwd=ZG9WbFlUV0toc2Z5YTU5QnA4Ky91Zz09

Black Student Union Meeting

Join the Black Student Union for a general membership meeting! We invite all students who wish to participate in this group to our meetings where we discuss information pertinent to African American Students including current events, black history, community engagement, and introduce staff members of color to the group. This is an open and judgement […]

T3 Virtual Event: Western Governors University

Online Campus

Meet with Western Governors University to discuss transfer. Link to event: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NGZkMDU1NDktMDM3NS00NGNiLTk1ZmMtYmY4ODAxZWQ3NjEw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22cfa792cf-7768-4341-8857-81754c2afa1f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c06279ba-2b0e-4b3e-b1e7-de453de6dd29%22%7d%20Microsoft%20Teams%20Need%20help?%20Join%20the%20meeting%20now%20Meeting%20ID:%20228%20581%20844%2058%20Passcode:%20Bn8zjU

EGCC SGA General Meeting

General meeting of the EGCC Student Government Association. Link to event: https://egcc.zoom.us/j/96709168441