T3 Virtual Event: Salem University

Online Campus , United States

Meet with Salem University to discuss transfer. Link to event: https://salemu-edu.zoom.us/j/82360145269?pwd=ZG9WbFlUV0toc2Z5YTU5QnA4Ky91Zz09

T3 Virtual Event: Franklin University

Online Campus , United States

Meet with Franklin University to discuss transfer. Link to event: https://franklin.zoom.us/j/7323558137

T3 Virtual Event: Western Governors University

Online Campus , United States

Meet with Western Governors University to discuss transfer. Link to event: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NGZkMDU1NDktMDM3NS00NGNiLTk1ZmMtYmY4ODAxZWQ3NjEw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22cfa792cf-7768-4341-8857-81754c2afa1f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c06279ba-2b0e-4b3e-b1e7-de453de6dd29%22%7d%20Microsoft%20Teams%20Need%20help?%20Join%20the%20meeting%20now%20Meeting%20ID:%20228%20581%20844%2058%20Passcode:%20Bn8zjU

Transfer Talk Tuesday – Teachout Partners

As part of our ongoing Transfer Talk Tuesday series, where we provide students the opportunity to speak directly with college and university representatives about education beyond EGCC, we are announcing […]

Transfer Talk Tuesday – Teachout Partners

As part of our ongoing Transfer Talk Tuesday series, where we provide students the opportunity to speak directly with college and university representatives about education beyond EGCC. Are you unsure […]